My Work

My Inaugural Energy Presentation at Energy 2015

October 10th-11th 2015, The View Hotel, Eastbourne, UK


I was honoured to speak about how modern stress management has helped me in my own business and how it can help others too at the AMT Energy Conference 2015.

Speaking at conference was a huge energy boost and inspired me to go ahead with the Guild of Energists’ (GoE, formerly known as the AMT) Trainer Training. In July 2016 I became a Guild of Energists qualified trainer so, as well as seeing private clients, I can train others in GoE courses such as Modern Stress Management and Modern Energy Tapping.

Measuring Stress/Energy Levels

Awareness is half the battle – where are you on the SUE?

The SUE (Subjective Units of Experience) Scale allows us to measure quickly and easily our stress levels at any given moment. From there, it’s easy to see whether our energy levels need raising.

Raising Your Energy

What raises your energy?

This is a very personal thing. When do feel at your best? Where is your favourite place? What moments in your life can you look back on where you felt the best version of you?

Energy Bubbles

Is your stress really YOUR stress?

All social animals (not just humans) create a ‘bubble’ with those closest to them and the levels of stress being experienced affects the others in your bubble. And, likewise, their levels of stress affect you.